After the death of Oskar Barnack in 1936, sculptor Hermann Lickfeld created a bust of the Leica’s inventor. At least two were cast in bronze. One is presently on display in the main building at Leitz Park. Another was owned by Leica enthusiast Jim Forsyth (promoter of the Barnack Leica League circa early 1960's). Forsyth obtained it from Oskar Barnack’s son Conrad. The bust was among various Oskar Barnack memorabilia in Forsyth’s possession.

In the late 1960's the Forsyth items were purchased by American collectors. The bronze bust was “copied ” and plaster reproductions prepared (probably less than five). During my research efforts I inspected a Leitz Wetzlar letter dated 1956 commemorating Barnack’s death 20 years earlier. A photograph of the Barnack bust was included. The 1956 image may be of the specimen currently displayed at Leitz Park.


Traveling with Bulk Film


Handholding a Long Digital Telephoto Zoom